Lose Your Juniority

Lose Your Juniority Is there something you need to shed? Not like a sweater or a skin tag (gross-sorry), but a thought. A thought like, “I’m not qualified.” Or “I’m too young/old.” Or “I’m too busy.” Au contraire, mon frere! (That means “On the contrary, my...

YOU wing it, weirdo

YOU wing it, weirdo https://giphy.com/gifs/girls-plane-undress-5xaOcLzDamJoFDH6GXK Build the plane as you go. Sounds dangerous, right? And y’know, impossible, right? Because it is…right? What it is, of course, is a provocative example to make a point. And if you get...

Phuck People Pleasing

Phuck People Pleasing Calling all Enneagram 2s, next-level-nurturers, and generous-to-a-fault-ers. Stahp! That thing you do where you constantly choose the needs of others over your own doesn’t make you a saint, it actually makes you a liar. PAUSE FOR EYEBALLS TO BUG...

The Marshmallow Test: FAIL

The Marshmallow Test: FAIL We’re failing The Marshmallow Test. But that’s cool. We’re not at our best. For those of you who don’t know about The Marshmallow Test, it was an experiment developed in the 1960s to observe the ability of kids to demonstrate delayed...

Do Less Get More

Do Less Get More Doing less to get more. “Well, if that doesn’t put the moron in oxymoron,” you ask, “What does?” Good question, whoever you are. A few years ago, I was with you. Grinding. Focusing. Efforting my face off. And it was a few of the...

Stop Punching Yourself

Stop Punching Yourself Remember that game we played as kids? You’d sit on someone’s chest, grab their arms, then start thwacking them in the face with their own hands and say (on repeat), “Stop punching yourself! You didn’t? Well, good for you, Flanders. I lived...