Hypothermia Feels Like Heaven

by | Feb 15, 2025 | 0 comments

Fun fact:

Right before you die of hypothermia, you feel all warm and sleepy.

An interesting paradox, and one that feels particularly relevant in these comfort-addicted times.

“Entertain me!” “Feed me!” “Give me that drug that makes the Hollywood starlets look like a character from a Tim Burton film, so I don’t have to lose weight the hard way!”

The warm, sleepy lull of comfort over boredom, vegetables, or working out could herald end-stage stuff if we’re not careful.

I’m guilty of grabbing comfort-crutches too. Although, none of the above are my problem. I’m more the, “Where’s my next mindset book? I haven’t learned enough yet!” variety.

Education is your comfort, Lynda? Isn’t that like rolling up on a job interview and saying that your biggest weakness is being a perfectionist? One of those cliches meant to sound like candor but it’s really a self-compliment?

I wish.

I do love learning, but when learning becomes a readiness detour, I’m coping, avoiding, or grasping for comfort instead of just leaping into the void…and starting something.

Starting what?

You ask a lot of questions. (But fair enough.)

I’m afraid to take the leap on some career stuff.

And the only reason I know that is because I recently saw a post from one of the authors whose mindset book I’m reading say, “You don’t need more ideas, you need to execute on one.”


I know that’s my problem because that post made me really…uncomfortable.

Right now, learning is my pacifier…that thing I repeatedly reach for, by rote, which will ultimately f*ck up my teeth. That thing that is replacing action, action that would get me closer to my goals. I am not learning, I am stalling. (Oh, b*tch, I just told myself all about myself. Let’s keep going. This is where the growth happens! I learned that from one of my mindset books.)

The details…

I want to start a new podcast. Have for years, but because, unlike my old podcast, I’ll be booking guests this time, and that feels like a scheduling nightmare, I push pause and seek comfort in another mindset book.

I also want to write more of these posts, which I love, but because I love it, I want it to be perfect, which it will never be, (I mean, some are pretty close, I gotta say) (FLIPS HAIR) so I seek comfort in an article about how to grow your email list.

Oh, and I want to create courses, but I have no idea where to begin, so instead of taking “messy action”, I sign up for another mastermind group to talk about it ad nauseum.

But wait there’s more!

I also think I might be taking comfort in the fact that I don’t take comfort in the things most other people do.

Oh, no. I’m not sure I want to admit this!

I am super disciplined about things many others are not.

I eat real, whole food ONLY, I do yoga every day, I cold plunge, I sleep well, I make gratitude lists, I journal, I manage my stress, I use a neti pot on the reg, and I floss.

Kinda feels like we’re heading into the self-compliment area again, Lynda.

I know but we’re not. Check this out.

I think I’ve been convincing myself lately that because I do all those bio-hacky things, that I’m doing alright, really great, actually, and if I haven’t executed on some of my career goals, jeez, what more do I want? I’m already practically superhuman.

Okay, so not only does that sound like I’m complimenting myself, but pretty f-ing full of myself.

Truth is, the only thing I’m full of, is sh*t.

Just because I could health-hang with the likes of Andrew Huberman, Joe Rogan, and Mark Hyman does NOT let me off the hook for simultaneously stalling on my career goals.

That’s like saying, “Sure, you flipped that guy off in traffic, but you were on your way to church.” One of those things was you choosing comfort (because it felt really good showing that stupid a-hole who was boss) and the other was you trying to be your best self.

Yes, we’re gonna choose comfort sometimes, but if we don’t recognize it, it can become a habit, and the next thing we know we’re on our death bed filled with regret. (Wow, Lynda, that was fast. Well, it happens.)

I guess what I am trying to say is that there will be discomfort either way, so why not pick the discomfort with a prize at the end?

Getting up early for yoga isn’t comfortable, but the benefits are.

Staying in bed is comfortable because I’m all warm and sleepy, just like end-stage hypothermia.

Choose wisely!


And get a snowsuit.


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