You’re A Liar.

You’re A Liar. Well, if you’re smart you are. Because here comes the new year, followed by your resolution, followed by your failure to keep it, which sets off your annual self loathing spiral, which trips your annual career/health/relationship sabotage wire,...

I Don’t Wanna.

I Don’t Wanna. “I don’t wanna. I don’t think so.”This brillzy line from Sonic Youth’s “Kool Thing” is everything.We make decisions based on our preferences all day long. Salad or burger? Podcast or music on the way to the...

Gimme That Gift!

Gimme That Gift!     You finally mustered up the guts, got sick and tired of being sick and tired, or were just plain squeezed right out of your old life. So, you’re trying the thing. The thing you really want to do. The thing that comes oh, so naturally to you. The...
Unfriend Yourself.

Unfriend Yourself.

Unfriend Yourself.   Years ago I heard the famous Jim Rohn quote, “You are the sum total of the five people you spend the most time with,” and TOTALLY cleaned house. Some of those people were already on their way out, so they didn’t notice…or care. Some were really...

They Don’t Get You.

They Don’t Get You. “They don’t get you.” Abraham HicksHow many times have you had a great idea, or gotten so excited about something and then…Just that. Ellipsis. Dot, dot, dot. Unfinished business. Slow death. Nothingness. Why? Why unique,...
Unfriend Yourself.

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!

Stupid, Stupid, Stupid!     You made a decision. It backfired. Blew up in your face. Ruined everything…for you and everyone around you. You suck. You are an idiot. You are not an adult. You cannot be trusted, or respected, or loved. Ever. By anyone. ANYONE! Plus...